Saturday, November 10, 2007

Alphabet Pal Goes Away

A few months ago Brad and I decided it was time to purchase some educational toys to help stimulate Kate. Brad picked out Alphabet Pal (seen in this video), mainly because he quickly realized that using the phonics function of the toy, he could make it say dirty words. Recently during a playdate, the triplet's mom said, "doesn't that thing drive you crazy?" Well, when her kids played with it they dragged it across the tile and hardwood floors as fast as they could go, so the answer was yes. At that time, when Kate played with it she just pushed the buttons and made it sing the ABC's over and over. Well, this last weekend Kate figured out what Alphabet Pal's string was for. And so, for the health and safety of Annie The Dog, and for the sanity of #'s 1-2, Alphabet Pal may be finding a new home very soon... maybe Joey Cooper would like it!

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