Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Mischievous Mouse

There is no doubt that things are rapidly changing around our house. With the recent posts you've seen new hair styles and heard about new words and activities. Today; however, Kate took it to a whole new level. She has an infatuation with bottles and tubes of personal care products (lotions, soaps, hair gel). One morning, as we both were stumbling over her in the bathroom, #2 suggested that we give her some empty bottles with which to play. They hold her attention for a few minutes each day. Success!

Today she caught on to the fact that #3 needs a bath. Kate took an "empty" bottle of body wash and poured the last remains over ATD's back, rubbing it into a nice lather. Oh - and by the way - the carpet and the wall got a little shampoo while she was at it. And it begins... the craziness I only read about on other people's blogs.

How many more days until Grandma gets here?? 28!

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