Tuesday, May 27, 2008

London - Day 4

Now that I'm home it is getting harder and harder to keep this up. Don't get me wrong - I have fond memories and all, but it just seems like you wouldn't want to read about it as much. This said, Day 4 was our last, short day in London. We woke at the crack of dawn, packed our bags and headed to the British Museum. Wow! What a place. Oh - and on the way UB promised we'd find some "impossibly cute" place for breakfast. We arrived at the museum before it opened and found exactly that - an impossibly cute place for breakfast. Mmmm.

The main thing to note is that we saw THE Rosetta Stone. Enjoy the photos I shot as we ran through the museum.

We rushed off to the airport and watched bad movies and TV until we arrived in Boise. Kate was in bed but we peeked in at her. Mmmm!

In the morning, the minute she stirred Brad and I rushed into her room. She looked a little confused and surprised and then slowly started a big smile. It was a most wonderful moment. Then The UB took us all out for breakfast!! YAY!

It is wonderful to be home and settling in. A HUGE thanks to Grandma Bylsma who kept things running on the homefront, and who taught Kate to take nice long naps. Maybe it is time to add on Mother-In-Law quarters...

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